Sara & Kris {Round Barn Winery | Baroda, MI}
Derek {Class of 2017} Downtown South Bend
{At Home} with the Baglien Family
Jamie + Kelly {Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame}
Seth & Fei {The Veranda @ The Whitcomb | St. Joesph, Michigan}
Home is Where the Heart Is {Hooley Family} South Bend, Indiana
Indiana, Notre Dame, FamiliesEmily Allisonfamily, at home, lifestyle, south bend, indiana, family time is the best time, newborn, baby boy
Caroline & James {Log Chapel | Notre Dame}
Gracie {Class of 2017} St. Mary's College
Indiana, Notre Dame, SeniorsEmily Allisonseniors, class of 2017, hope, life, St. Mary's College, South Bend, Indiana, Senior Portrait Photographer
Family Camping Adventure {McCormick's Creek State Park, Spencer, IN}
Jake & Christina {Chicago, Illinois}