Macie Jane {Gillette Children's Hospital | St. Paul, Minnesota}
My sister, baby boy Eli and I ventured to Minnesota a couple weeks ago, to visit my sweet goddaughter Macie Jane. She is only 7, but is one of the strongest people I know ... A true warrior at the core of her. And truth be told, she was a fighter when she was born, overcoming obstacle after obstacle, always staring them down and crushing them. Now, she faces another one, maintaining her mantra, "I Got This". She had major surgery just a few weeks ago, but her smile, that lights up any room, was still there, shining bright. Not only that, but she shows kindness to everyone around her, including other little ones also facing similar challenges, sharing her gifts and using her smile to light up any room. Any time I think of Macie, I think of the word Tenacity. Her determination and willpower are something deep down within her. And while the next 6 weeks will be filled with physical therapy, which will strengthen her and teach her how to use her legs again, I know she will keep pressing on, proving that any obstacle she faces, she can certainly overcome. It's a true testament to the power of belief in oneself, but also the people that stand alongside of her, to help when the fear and uncertainty creep in. There are many in this little lady's life, but her momma April is pretty darn amazing and has been by her side through all of it. And knowing her character, you would most certainly see where Macie gets her strength and perseverance from! From the day Macie was born, she too, has been a fighter. Someone who fights for what is right and believes in the power of kindness and never giving up. Macie is certainly following in her footsteps. I read this quote by Og Mandino and he said, "I will persist until I succeed. Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult. I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking." Macie Jane IS persisting through this journey, and is now sitting up, and moving around! It's amazing her progress and amazing how far she has come in such a short time. There are still some hurdles to go, but she definitely has 'got this', one step at a time. :)