University of Notre Dame Surprise Proposal - Alisa & Kevin

Kevin popped the question to Alisa with a surprise proposal at the University of Notre Dame inside Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Alisa and Kevin’s love story is a beautiful one! They met one another while attending the University of Notre Dame Law school and have been committed to each other for nearly two years. Kevin contacted us to capture his surprise proposal inside the luminous Grotto on the Notre Dame campus.

Notre Dame University is a special place for Alisa and Kevin. The Grotto, in particular, is a location on campus that the couple always makes a point to stop at together to light a candle. It is said that the hundreds of votive candles burning in the grotto, day and night, are the expressions of prayers with special intentions, with the flame of each candle symbolizing hope. This symbolic location is where Kevin got down on one knee to pop the question!

When the day of the proposal rolled around, Kevin gave Alisa the impression that they were headed out to South Bend for dinner with a planned stop at the grotto.  We kept a close eye on the weather for that particular day because there was a chance of thunderstorms which then developed into an active tornado watch!! We headed out to the grotto to prepare, meanwhile it was down pouring rain outside, but we were not going to let the weather stop this proposal from happening. Kevin and Alisa approached the grotto to light a candle when Kevin spoke to Alisa for a moment before he got down on one knee to propose. 

The exact moment of the proposal was so sweet and Alisa’s reaction to Kevin is one of the couple’s favorite photos! Alisa was overcome with surprise and joy at the delight of having her dream Notre Dame proposal come to life!

Keep scrolling to see all of the sweet moments from Alisa & Kevin’s proposal story at the University of Notre Dame!

Ready to pop the question to your special one with a surprise proposal at the University of Notre Dame? Let us capture your magic moment! Click the >> contact button << and let’s chat!!!